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Go on a guided quest in self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-care to release stress and ignite inner harmony. 

I'm Ready to Prioritize My Well-Being!


  • Sick of starting and ending your day stressed from putting others ahead of yourself

  • Overwhelmed by your list of priorities, feeling like there's never enough time and crave a healthier way

  • Going through a transition and need new tools to guide better choices

  • Feeling alone in your journey and desire an authentic community who gets and appreciates you

  • Willing to ignite more 

    self-awareness, self-compassion and self-care

  • Eager to be held lovingly accountable alongside a psychologically safe community

  • Want to move through life with more freedom, connection, power and energy

  • Ready to set boundaries to prioritize your well-being

  • Ultimately, this is for you if you’re ready to invest in making new choices that will serve your well-being immediately and create a sustainable muscle memory that will serve you for the rest of your life. We’ll meet you where you are, and take meaningful steps in your evolution to learn and return to your authentic self.

    I joined the journey to alignment because I felt as if I were completely out of touch with my soul and my heart and my mind and I have struggled for many years with finding my own joy and happiness. Now I know exactly where to find it within myself. 

    -Jeanne Mumford


  • Simple habits and routines that create inner harmony and release stress from sunrise to sunset for lasting change.

  • Develop your inner compass to make grounded, powerful choices in your challenges and adventures.

  • Set powerful boundaries to prioritize your well-being.

  • Release other people’s expectations of who you’re “supposed to be” to step into who you were born to be.

  • Manifest your soul’s greatest desires to feel the abundance around you. 

  • Deepen your values-aligned community for loving accountability in reaching your greatest potential.

  • Learn directly from award-winning international well-being consultant and executive coach MaryBeth Hyland and wellness expert James Hyland.

  • I'm Ready to Prioritize My Well-Being!


    MODULE 1:


    To kick off our journey together, you’ll get clear on which of your core values matter most to you right now. And how you can start to honor where they come from so you can own them as your compass for well-being. This work will set the foundation for the following 5 weeks of stress reduction and inner harmony.

    MODULE 2: 


    In order to create an ongoing sense of health, you have to understand what’s filling you up and what’s draining you. This week we’ll focus on the emotional side of that work and how to set boundaries to create energetic protection to prioritize your well-being.

    MODULE 3: 


    Your physical energy is vital in being able to do anything in life. You’ll explore how your emotions connect to your physical energy and ignite simple techniques to support your health immediately.

    MODULE 4:


    Motivation is what gets you started and habits are what create lasting change. In this week’s lesson you’ll dive into life-changing morning and bedtime routines that will ignite gratitude and self-care – setting you up to keep your core values front of mind each day.

    MODULE 5: 


    Values work is heart work. And your heart is the entry point to your soul. You’ll explore how to tap into your soul connection through time alone and manifesting your greatest desires.

    MODULE 6: 


    Life is better when you surround yourself with people who support you (sadly, not everyone will be on board). This final session will support you in expanding your values-driven tribe within and beyond our cohort to create a values-aligned community to sustainably reach your greatest potential.

    Just, wow. The dedicated time each week was like a boot camp for my mind & soul. MaryBeth and James helped me look deep within myself, equipping me with mindfulness tools, to help me live a more authentic (and aligned) life, both personally and professionally. The word 'authenticity' means so much more to me now. Before it seemed like a buzzword or something you'd just say. Now, I feel it. I aspire toward it. I am it.

    -Brian Kenny Pham


    MaryBeth Hyland

    As a global award-winning female entrepreneur, speaker, best-selling author, and coach, MaryBeth helps fellow high-achievers who are struggling to prioritize their own needs, stop burning out, and better manage their well-being.

    Her personal healing journey, as a recovering work addict and child of abuse, has been responsible for empowering people to speak their truth, own their energy, and achieve the lifestyle they intended. She knows that without doing the inner work, you will waste your time stuck in an energy-draining vortex struggling to find time to do the things that really matter in your life.

    With it, you can eliminate all of the fatigue and uncertainty around choosing new standards for your daily expectations igniting limitless energy and freedom in your life. And she can’t wait to show you how!

    Her personal life’s mission is to create spaces where voices are heard, stories are released and purpose is ignited. 

    James Hyland

    James, Executive Alignment & Wellness Coach at SparkVision, knows that each of us has the power to live the life we want.

    Before joining SparkVision, James spent nearly 15 years working in finance, building and overseeing a high-performing sales team, from the ground up.

    Throughout his career in finance, James was deemed “successful” by everyone he met, but something didn’t feel right deep inside of him. When the voice inside got too loud to ignore, he began a personal internal journey to discover his authentic self, and identify his truest potential.

    Through his own life experiences and understanding his values, James quickly realized that what he loves to do is help others thrive in life, without sacrificing what matters most.

    Now his mission is to empower people to regain their sense of self and vitality by creating shifts to their daily habits and mindset so they can create the life they want.



    "It is a journey for anyone wherever they're at and it's all about taking time to really be with yourself and getting to know yourself better."


    "The tools I received were invaluable. I still refer back to those, especially the boundaries."


    "I experienced so much transformation, growth and benefits in such a short time frame. I got so much value out of it."


    "If you are ready to invest in doing the work it's worth every second that you put into it."

    I'm Ready to Prioritize My Well-Being!